Monday, January 4, 2010

USA Trip Itinerary

Barring any breakdowns or long diversions to breweries our itinerary is posted below. If anyone has been to areas in the Carolinas, Virginia, Savannah, Albuquerque, or Flagstaff let me know. We picked our cities either by places we heard we should never miss or knowing fanny fatigue would set in if we drove for more than 7 hours.

1/12-1/15 Norfolk, VA
1/15-1/16 Raleigh/Durham
1/16-1/21 Charlotte, NC
1/21- 1/22 Charleston, SC
1/22-1/24 Savannah, GA
1/24-1/27 Tallahassee, FL
1/27-2/3 Baton Rouge, LA
2/3-2/10 Houston, TX
2/10-2/12 Austin, TX
2/12-2/13 Marfa, TX
2/13-2/15 Albuquerque, NM
2/15-2/16 Flagstaff, NM
2/17-2/19 Las Vegas, NV
2/19-2/20 Los Angeles, CA
2/20-2/22 Atascadero, CA
2/22-2/23 San Jose, CA
2/23-2/25 Napa, CA
2/25-??? Murphys, CA

I am back in Baltimore and Billy and I are preparing for our journey. Today the dentist said I was healed and ready for travel. Thursday we are going to visit Lancaster, PA and Amish Country. Mixed in with our last week here we have to pack, plan our Vietnam trip, I have to make two baby quilts, and maybe finish all of the food in our freezer.

What Billy is doing with his time!

What I am doing with my time.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, I will put Auntie Bri and Uncle Billy on our calendar for February!
